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Today: Jun 10, 2024

Kashmir Battles with Power Outages: Will Kashmir’s Electricity Woes Ever End?

2 mins read

By: Ikkz Ikbal 

The power crises in Kashmir has reached alarming levels in the recent times with the valley facing worst ever electricity shortage this spring. The hopes of the residents are ruined by the shadow of power crises plaguing the region. The Kashmir Power Distribution Corporation Limited (KPDCL) finds itself embroiled in a storm of discontent as consumers castigate the broken promises and the perpetual darkness that they are left to suffer. 

The scenario paints a grim picture as people are subjected to prolonged outages ranging from 12 to 15 hours per day for both metered and non-metered areas. Despite the installation of smart meters and insulated power cables that were considered as symbols of progress, the reality remains bleak for many. The situation has sparked widespread concern and anger among the masses.

The angry consumers lament that they pay exorbitant monthly tariffs, yet they are left in the cold with the continuous power cuts. 

The promises of 24-hour electricity supply have been proved hollow as the sentiments resentment among the consumers echo across the valley. The residents bemoan this unusual spectacle of scheduled curtailments giving place to unscheduled blackouts, leaving them searching in the dark for answers.

In the middle of this power crises, the Chief Engineer of KPDCL, has assured consumers that the relief is on the horizon.

But as the days pass, the darkness persists. With each passing day, the cries of the residents facing power shortage grows louder, echoing through the corridors of power. As KPDCL advocates for judicious use of electricity, the irony is not lost on people who have long been denied the luxury of illumination.

And in this saga of shattered dreams and faded hopes, the fate of Kashmir’s power lies in the balance. Will the authorities in power department rise to the occasion, fulfilling their commitment and restoring the light to the valley? Or will the darkness prevail, casting a dark shadow on the aspirations of the people? Only time will tell, as the battle for power rages on in the heart of Kashmir.

As the custodians of power distributers in Kashmir, KPDCL holds the responsibility to ensure that every household receives the amount of electricity promised. 

From the standpoint of uncertainty in power supply in Kashmir Valley, KPDCL holds the responsibility for their promise of a consistent power supply. Let’s together remind the authorities that in the fabric of progress, each thread must be stitched with dedication and determination. Only then can we see a brighter tomorrow illuminated with lights of hope, in the valley of Kashmir. 

The power crises in Kashmir is a serious challenge for the authorities to combat and the onus also falls on the consumers. Timely payment of electricity bills is crucial for maintaining the supply chain and ensuring uninterrupted access to power. By fulfilling their financial obligations, consumers not only contribute to grid stability, but also to the region’s long-term development. In a landscape already burdened with uncertainties, responsible electricity usage and timely bill payments emerge as critical steps toward a brighter, more sustainable future for Kashmir.

Lets all understand and take our responsibility and ensure that we are fit in our part. By joining hands together, only can we ensure a better tomorrow. A tomorrow with uninterrupted power supply without unusual power cuts.

The writer has a PG in Biotechnology and is Administrator Maryam Memorial Institute Pandithpora Qaziabad. He tweets @IkkzIkbal

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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