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Today: Jun 14, 2024

Difference of Opinion: Navigating Kashmir’s Digital Sphere

3 mins read

By: Dr Shabeer Ahmad Khan

Social media has profoundly transformed the way we communicate and interact, providing platforms for global dialogue and exchange. However, along with its advantages, social media also brings challenges, especially when it comes to the expression and reinforcement of rigid beliefs. This trend has particularly impacted Kashmir quite recently, where followers of different religious factions often engage in heated debates and discussions online, reflecting the broader global phenomenon of digital polarization.

Francis Bacon’s observation about the pleasure some find in giddiness and the reluctance to fix a belief resonates with the challenges posed by the digital age. The joy of maintaining an open mind and the flexibility of thought seem to be diminishing, replaced by an increasing inclination towards fixed beliefs and ideologies.

Aldous Huxley’s warning about standing in our own light is particularly relevant in the context of social media. The platform often becomes a space where individuals, engrossed in their beliefs, inadvertently eclipse broader perspectives that could offer illumination and understanding. This self-imposed blindness not only hampers personal growth but also fuels division and animosity within communities.

William Butler Yeats’ caution against intellectual hatred highlights the toxic environment that can often be found on social media platforms. When people become entrenched in their beliefs, they tend to develop an intellectual hostility towards differing interpretations or viewpoints, leading to a cycle of negativity and division.

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s idea that “the test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposite ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function,” serves as a counterpoint to this trend. It emphasizes the importance of intellectual flexibility and open-mindedness, encouraging individuals to entertain opposing viewpoints without feeling threatened or defensive.

In Kashmir, the impact of these global trends is particularly pronounced due to the valley’s sectarian and denominational diversity, which has lately come to the fore due to the use of social media. The valley, with its rich history and cultural heritage, is home to followers of various religious factions, each with its own interpretations, beliefs, and practices.

Despite the diversity within these religious factions, social media platforms often become echo chambers where like-minded individuals reinforce each other’s beliefs while shutting out any alternative perspectives. Followers, scholars, and influencers alike take to social media to espouse their beliefs with unwavering conviction, presenting their interpretations as absolute truths and leaving little room for debate or discussion.

This dynamic is further exacerbated by the emotional intensity that often accompanies discussions on social media. Knee-jerk reactions, where critical thinking takes a backseat, are common. Followers, swayed by emotions rather than rationality, tend to support their preferred factions without critically evaluating the credibility or veracity of their statements. This blind allegiance can perpetuate misinformation, foster division, and create an environment where abuse and hostility towards those with opposing views become commonplace.

So, how can we navigate this complex digital landscape, especially in a place as unique and nuanced as Kashmir?

First and foremost, it is essential to approach social media with a rational and critical mind-set. Instead of accepting information at face value, we should strive to verify its accuracy, credibility, and source. Critical thinking should be our guiding principle, allowing us to discern fact from fiction and opinion from objective truth.

Secondly, cultivating intellectual humility is crucial. Recognizing that our beliefs and interpretations are not infallible opens the door to constructive dialogue, meaningful exchange, and personal growth. It encourages us to approach disagreements with empathy, openness, and a willingness to learn from others.

Lastly, resisting the temptation to engage in intellectual hostility or personal attacks is vital. Instead of demonizing those with differing views, we should strive to understand their perspectives, engage in respectful debate, and promote a culture of mutual respect and understanding.

While social media offers incredible opportunities for connection, learning, and dialogue, it also poses significant challenges, particularly when it comes to the expression and reinforcement of rigid beliefs. In regions like Kashmir, where lately sectarian division and disagreement is become a defining feature, this challenge becomes even more pronounced. By embracing rationality, cultivating intellectual humility, and promoting respectful dialogue, we can navigate this complex digital landscape more effectively, fostering a more inclusive, understanding, and harmonious online community in our beloved Kashmir Valley.

In essence, as we continue to engage with social media, let us remember the wisdom of Bacon, Huxley, Yeats, and Fitzgerald. Let us strive for open-mindedness, intellectual flexibility, and empathy, recognizing that true understanding and growth come from embracing diversity, questioning our beliefs, and engaging in respectful dialogue. Only then can we hope to create a digital space that reflects the rich tapestry of beliefs and traditions that make Kashmir truly unique.

The writer has a PhD from AMU. [email protected]

KI News

Kashmir Images is an English language daily newspaper published from Srinagar (J&K), India. The newspaper is one of the largest circulated English dailies of Kashmir and its hard copies reach every nook and corner of Kashmir Valley besides Jammu and Ladakh region.

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