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Today: Jun 15, 2024

People demand probe into footbridge construction

1 min read

Srinagar: While the UT administration has come up with financial assistance to those who died and who were injured in the Gandbal, Sonawar boat capsize, the locals, unimpressed, say, the tragedy would have not happened if the footbridge had been constructed.

“The work on the bridge was started 8 years ago, but due to unknown reasons the bridge is yet to be completed,” locals said.

LG administration had ample time to construct the bridge but it didn’t do it. Yes, earlier governments too were unconcerned about this issue but they are not in power and that is why we are questioning the present dispensation,” say locals.

It is a scandal involving the entire PWD department. Let the LG administration order a judicial enquiry and see what dirt comes out, said locals.

The locals, savoy of social media, assert that some media outlets are trying to put the blame on individuals.

“They want to give a clean chit to the top functionaries of PWD but the point is had these top ones acted, the bridge would have been a reality and there would have been no boat tragedy,” locals said.