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Prioritise health over beauty

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By: Vijay kumar H K
Every woman in the world wants to look beautiful, and every man wants to be attractive. This universal desire shared by men and women has been a boon for cosmetic companies around the world for many years. Numerous cosmetic products could include dangerous metals like Zirconium, Mercury, Chromium, Nickel, etc., in large quantities. Even while the majority of developed nations regulate the percentage of these dangerous metals in products, particularly cosmetics, they are unable to totally prevent them. In developing nations, like ours, we are still in the early stages of regulating the dangerous metals included in cosmetics.
Regulating and outlawing hazardous compounds in the cosmetics sector will need a lot of work. Chemical complexes containing zirconium have been utilised as a cosmetic additive, such as in aerosol antiperspirants. According to scientific investigations, certain zirconium compounds have been shown to create granulomas on human skin as well as hazardous effects on the lungs and other organs. Some zirconium will enter the user’s deep lungs when inhaled as an aerosol. Like the skin, the lung is an organ that can develop granulomas. Contrary to the skin, the lung does not exhibit granulomatous alterations until they have progressed and, in some cases, become permanent.
According to the scientists, zirconium is a harmful chemical that could endanger users of any cosmetic aerosol product that contains it. A variety of chemicals are used in cosmetics as ingredients and some are used as preservatives. These chemicals have different health effects. Another example, the skin is both corrosive and allergic to hexavalent chromium. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has included its constituents on its list of known carcinogens. Hexavalent chromium side effects on the skin can cause rashes, skin allergies, and ulcerations. Hexavalent chromium compounds can cause asthmatic bronchitis, pharynx and larynx irritation, bronchospasms, edema, and ulceration of the mucous membranes of the nasal septum when inhaled according to medical sciences. Shortness of breath, nasal itching, coughing, and wheezing are all possible respiratory symptoms.
Furthermore, Cosmetics like lotions for skin whitening contain Mercury, it is well known Neurotoxin. Mercury has been referred to by a variety of names, including “mercurous chloride,” calomel, mercuric, and mercury. Inflammation of the liver, kidneys and urinary tract can result from using goods containing mercury over an extended period of time. The problem of mercury contamination in skin creams has spread to the entire world. When applied topically, mercury compounds are easily absorbed via the skin and have a propensity to build up in the body. They might result in skin rashes, allergic responses, or neurotoxic symptoms according to research.
Numerous news stories in recent years have discussed mercury toxicity brought on by cosmetics. There is evidence that suggests foetuses that were exposed to their mothers’ environment during pregnancy had developmental problems. A variety of symptoms, such as motor impairments, sensory issues, and mental retardation, were present in these kids. The European Union forbids the sale of creams and soaps containing mercury. The California government is investigating several cases of mercury poisoning due to non-labelled face cream from Mexico used for lightening the skin, fading freckles and age spots, and treating acne. When heavy metal like nickel comes into touch with skin, an allergic reaction may occur. Studies on animals demonstrate that it has negative effects on the kidneys, stomach, and liver when taken in large quantities. In order to protect innocent people from dangerous cosmetics goods, our government must thoroughly investigate this kind of issues and ban harmful metals in cosmetics, since we are the largest users of cosmetics in the world. Most importantly one has to prioritise health and be cautious before using harmful cosmetics on daily basis for enhancing beauty.
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