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Is winning the game the be-all and end-all?

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By: Priyanka Saurabh

Intolerance refers to the inability to accept an outcome or outcome that is different from what he or she expects. The incidents of sabotage by players as well as spectators and targeting of players by racial and religious abuse during the Asia Cup are extremely worrying. Such cases are usually seen on social media during cricket and football matches. Anger and intolerance are negative emotions that develop in response to an aversive stimulus or a threat. As Gandhiji said, anger and intolerance are the enemies of right understanding, anger must be controlled and tolerated. True understanding is a disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others. Anger and intolerance reduce the capacity for correct understanding as they make a person biased and irrational.

Sport is primarily a competitive activity where winning is the be-all and end-all. Do you agree with this statement? Perhaps that’s why, in this highly competitive sporting environment, we often hear about unethical behavior that includes cheating, rule-bending, doping, food abuse, physical and verbal violence, harassment, sexual abuse and trafficking of young players, and discrimination. Are included. Exploitation, unequal opportunities, unethical sports practices, unfair means, excessive commercialization, drug use in sports, and corruption. These are just a few examples of what can go wrong in the game. They don’t have the same reason, part of the problem is that people ignore ethics when making decisions. In this context, ethics have an important place.

The growing abuse and intolerance cannot be attributed to a single reason, lack of social awareness and lack of understanding of sportsmanship, growing intolerance and hatred is the main reason behind this. When the game is viewed as a rivalry between two opponents, strong perceptions of nationalism and religiosity can lead individuals to religious misconduct. For example, the result of an India and Pakistan cricket match often attracts abuse from both sides. To accept defeat as a part of the game, it is very important to have the qualities of patience and moral strength. The instant gratification and desperation to win by using every possible option leads to wrong results and tarnishes the spirit of the game.

The results and outcomes of the matches played have become an end in itself rather than a means to the overall development of the game and the players.

The wide reach of social media has given an anonymous voice to the public to make the right ground for the bad side of people to flourish. eg. Reckless attitude to online rape threats to players’ families, taking action without considering the consequences and impact on the recipient. Players who are targeted by hatred and anger may succumb to societal pressure. And can create a sense of fear, which in turn will compromise the player’s performance in the game. Simone Biles could not even take part in the 2020 Olympics due to performance pressure.

Such behavior goes against social cohesion as racial and religious abuse creates divisions among multi-religious societies. Undue pressure to win every time can provoke players to indulge in unethical practices such as cheating, dishonesty, and doping. “Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding” Individuals involved in abuse lack rationality and a correct understanding of the game. Abuse and hate are against sports ethics and sportsmanship. It is important to inculcate values for ethical behavior among spectators not only players, a clear imperative to respect the game and not the consequences and thus develop ethical behavior among spectators. Adhering to the principles of basic human decency and respect. Practice rationality and develop scientific temper and humanism as a duty.

The love and support to the players in adverse times will ignite the spirit of motivation and dedication in the players to improve themselves. The spirit of unity and brotherhood in society through social media, cinema, and other platforms will ensure social unity. To inculcate the values of appreciation and self-respect in children through value-based education and sports. Sportspersons need to accept their weaknesses and mistakes and strive towards excellence in individual and collective potential so that the nation rises to higher levels of sustained effort and achievement. As responsible citizens and human beings, we must respect and support our heroes in sports.

It is common for players, people, and leaders to lose their stability of mind when faced with stress. Thus, players and administrators in today’s world need to be emotionally intelligent to act fairly and impartially. Balanced decision-making for social progress and the development of sports can only be done with an objective and fair mind, which can be achieved by controlling anger and with a tolerant and open mind.

The writer is Research Scholar in Political Science, Poet, freelance journalist and columnist.

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