Today: Jun 26, 2024

Thousands throng Tulmulla to celebrate annual Mela Kheer Bhawani

LG pays obeisance, lays foundation for Yatri Bhawan
5 mins read

Tulmulla: Thousands thronged Tulmulla in Ganderbal to celebrate Mela Kheer Bhawai to mark ‘Zyeth Atham’ or ‘Jyeshtha Ashtami’ one of the most revered festivals of Kashmiri Pandits.

“Faith is more powerful than fear,” said a pilgrim, who was among the hundreds visiting temples across Jammu and Kashmir to celebrate the Mela Kheer Bhawani, amid heightened security following four terrorist attacks in the Jammu region.

The fair — an annual event at the Kheer Bhawani temple, dedicated to Rangya Devi, in Ganderbal district’s Tulmulla — is also celebrated in other shrines and temples in Kashmir to mark ‘Zyeth Atham’, or ‘Jyeshtha Ashtami’.

“Everything is in the hands of God. There is some fear but people have come here in large numbers. Faith is more powerful than fear,” Sunny, a Kashmiri Pandit from Delhi, said as he and several others from the community congregated at Rangya Devi temple in the central Kashmir district for the Mela.

Strict security measures were implemented to ensure the safety of the devotees. A multi-layered security ring was established around the temple complex and along the routes.

Several Kashmiri Pandits also thronged a temple in Jammu city to mark the start of the three-day annual mela, seeking blessings and paying tributes to the victims of terror attacks.

Kheer Bhawani Peeth at Janipur area of Jammu city was constructed as a replica of the original shrine here after mass migration of the community from the valley in early 1990s.

D K Kaul, another Kashmiri Pandit who visited the temple here after 20 years, said there seems to be no fear among the pilgrims.

“There are miscreants everywhere and it is their job to create disturbances and wedge between the communities. We have no fear, we have the support of our Muslim brothers. The neighbouring country does not want Muslims and Hindus to live together in brotherhood. We want to live together. We have no complaints or grudges with our Muslim brothers, they provided us shelter in their homes and kept all the facilities,” Kaul said.

As devotees jostled with each other to move closer to the main temple complex, walking barefoot and carrying rose petals, the chants of hymns echoed through the temple compound here.

The devotees offered tribute to the goddess as men took a dip in the stream close to the shrine. They paid obeisance to the deity while offering milk and ‘kheer’ (pudding) at the sacred spring within the complex.

It is believed that the colour of the sacred spring water flowing beneath the temple here reflects the conditions in the valley.

While most of the colours do not have any particular significance, black or darkish colour of the water is believed to be an indication of inauspicious times for Kashmir. However, the water in the spring was clean and milky white this year.

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha also paid obeisance at the temple here.

Political leaders, including former chief minister of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir Farooq Abdullah, BJP’s J&K president Ravinder Raina, and CPI(M) leader M Y Tarigami, also paid obeisance at the shrine.

Abdullah, the president of the NC, said he wants the Pandits to return to their homeland.

“Our brothers and sisters are praying here. They want to return to their homes. We want them to return and live together in peace and brotherhood.

“We have come here to pray for the whole country, to live in peace and brotherhood and for the prosperity of the country,” Abdullah told reporters.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha laid the foundation stone for Yatri Bhawan at Mata Kheer Bhawani Temple, Tulmulla, Ganderbal.

The LG paid obeisance to the temple and prayed for peace, prosperity, happiness and well-being of one and all. He interacted with the devotees and extended his heartiest greetings on the auspicious occasion, an official press release informed.

Addressing the media there, the LG reiterated the commitment of the UT administration to augment the facilities for the devotees of Mata Kheer Bhawani.

“Last year, when I came here, pilgrims had requested for a Yatri Niwas.: He said the Yatri Bhawan, to be constructed at a cost of Rs 3.85 crore, will enhance the pilgrimage experience by offering comforting lodging and sanitation facilities.

“We are expecting to complete the Bhawan in next eight months and it will accommodate 1000 pilgrims,” he added.

The LG also appreciated the efforts of the district administration, Relief Commissioner’s Office, police and security forces and all stakeholders for the smooth conduct of the Mela.

He said over 30,000 devotees paid obeisance at the temple this year. Around 200 buses have arrived from Jammu and the administration and citizens have ensured best possible facilities to the devotees, the LG said.

During his visit to the shrine at Tulmulla, Ganderbal, the LG also interacted with the members of Kashmiri Pandit Community and discussed various issues.

Annual Kheer Bhawani marks emotional arrival of KPs in Kupwara

The annual Kheer Bhawani festival in frontier Kupwara district saw an emotional and heart-warming reunion, as Kashmiri Pandits presently settled in Jammu and other parts of the country visited the Valley, many for the first time in the last several decades.

The Pandits expressed their appreciation for the locals as well as administration for ensuring seamless and secure pilgrimage.

Pilgrims expressed optimism and renewed sense of belonging. Many of them hoped the festival would symbolize enduring unity and peace in Kashmir valley.

Speaking on the occasion, the Kashmiri Pandits at Kupwara temple expressed immense gratitude towards local Muslims, the administration as well as the security agencies for their efforts in ensuring a smooth and secure pilgrimage.

“We are feeling refreshed, good and safe here. The security measures and the facilities are excellent. The warm welcome we received, particularly being greeted with fruits by the security personnel, is a unique and heart-warming experience for us,” Chandra Pandita, a Jammu resident said.

Pandita, who originally hails from Watrihani Kupwara, said that she visited after a decade to the valley. The atmosphere here is truly cherishing and brings back fond memories. It fills me with immense joy and nostalgia, she said.

“This is my first visit to Kupwara temple. I am deeply touched by the warmth and the hospitality of the people here. The locals are loving and helpful and at no point do we feel like strangers,” Sumita Bindroo, another devotee said.

Bindroo, originally from Karan Nagar in Srinagar said that she has been to the valley after decades and the experience as well as the atmosphere she got was entirely friendly and brotherly.

The facilities provided are excellent and the respect and the assistance from the security people, administration and especially from the local Muslim community are unforgettable. They ensured we had everything we needed and wanted, she said.

“I pray to Lord for peace in the valley, so that we can reunite with our Muslim friends, brothers and sisters,” Bindroo added.

“It has been decades since we left the valley, and I can see the situation has changed a lot with visible development on the ground. Returning here after 35 years is an emotional and overwhelming experience. I’m happy to reunite with old friends here at Mela,” a devotee originally from Botingoo, South Kashmir said.

It was painful and emotional, she said while recalling the moments of leaving the valley. We are incomplete without the Muslim community. We want to be here forever, she said.

We are thankful to the people of Kashmir who played an important role in making the festival a success and grand. It was not possible for the administration alone to accommodate the thousands of devotees here in Tikker Kupwara, the devotee said.

It’s worth mentioning that meticulous security measures were put in place to ensure a smooth and secure experience for the Yatris, even as the Kupwara Police chief, Shobhit Saxena had earlier stated that their aim is to maintain and enhance this environment every year. (KNO)

LG Manoj Sinha pays obeisance as thousands of Kashmiri Pandit devotees throng Tulmulla in Ganderbal to celebrate Mela Kheer Bhawani. Photos/DIPR, Farooq Javed


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